Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oh, the People We Will Meet...

Alise's friend Diana and her family came to our home to stay the night last night.  They did a little sight seeing of Chicago yesterday, and it worked out perfect for them to stop in here for the night (they were on their way back to Willmar from North Carolina).  Alise was in her glory!  What fun to have a sleepover with her treasured friend, Diana.  Alise and Diana had Kindergarten and 1st grade together in Willmar, and Diana came to Wednesday night church with Alise a lot last year, so they had become great friends.  I admit that we all had met the family before in Willmar, but last night we got to host these friends at our home.   Even though their English is not perfect and our Spanish is almost nonexistent, we did get to know each other better.  God bless Ruben, Noami, Jonathan, and Diana!

The two pals

Group shot (Luke and Natalie had gone to bed, they were too tired)

Diana, Jonathan, Luke, Alise, Natalie, and Emily

Buddies for life - these girls are so sweet.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to You

On this Mother's Day, I can't help but post my beautiful kids.  These pictures were taken at the church across the street from us.  I dropped Luke and Natalie a big hint about my wish for Mother's Day and Luke came through.  When Dave went out to get my card a few days ago, Luke boldly told him exactly what a I wanted.  Today, I was not disappointed.  A new umbrella was just what I wanted!  Now I am ready for the unexpected rain that seems to come just when I am ready to leave work.  Dave made sure that I also received many flowers and meaningful cards.  Thanks family!

What is new in our world?  Dave is counting down the days until the end of the semester.  He has 12 days to go!  A lot of reading, 3 or so papers, and 3 major tests - then he'll be done.  Our kids are growing and doing well. Their new activity is playing softball with Dave any chance that they can get.  Natalie claimed the other day that she would have to bat all of the time because she didn't know how to catch.  Of course the others put of quite a stink about that, which was just the reaction that she was looking for.

That's all for now.  God bless,  Anita

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekend in Winona

Kyle and Tony came down and they were great!  They included the kids and it was so fun to see them both.  (Missed you, Adam)  Here is Luke and Natalie with Kyle.

The girls... Janell, Becky, Anita, and Holly

Alise, Holly, and Seth (Alise didn't let Seth too far out of her sight)

Two things that you have to do at Becky Rice's house (if you are a kid): read books and get your toe nails painted.  Luke only participated in the former.  

Matt, Janell, Emily, and Dave

We enjoyed watching some Twins togeher.  We did squeeze in a Settlers game.  The guys of course were able to play 18 holes of golf in between the rain.  And the hot tub was super.  Great fun!  My camera gave out battery power just as we were lining up to take the group picture so I'm sad that I can't display all of us, but you can see some of our faces.  Thanks for the fun, Friends!

Posted by: Anita O