Whew! We have had a busy few weeks. I am just now sitting down to update the blog, but there is too much to report so I'm going to have to summarize because there is supper to prepare and Dave's parents are here with us this weekend. To get more detailed pictures, I'll have them all on my facebook by the end of the day.
Two weekends ago, we took our Swedish friends and headed to Minnesota for a wedding. We stopped by at my parents house and stayed the night. This was a perfect time to get a picture of all of us together since it's not too often that I see my parents and sister's family.
Matt and Janell hosted us while we were in Willmar. He we are outside of the Dairy Queen because it's a real treat since they aren't very common in Chicago. From left to right, here we are: Oscar, Lina, Anita, Dave, Janell, and Matt.
Last weekend, we Ostercamp's all met at Wisconsin Dells. Here is the cousin's picture. We had such a fun time playing in the water and visiting with Dave's parents, brother, and two sisters.
Here are my kids with their aunts. We had just finished swimming for the day and it was time to head back to Chicago. It looks like Luke is quite tearful, but he actually has pool eyes from keeping them open in the water too much.
Today, Emily and I ran in a 5K (3.1miles) with her Girls on the Run group. We had a very fun time and it felt good to accomplish even just a short run. Here we are before the run.

Natalie is typically on Dave's shoulders as we walk around Chicago. Sometimes if Uncle Matt is around, she will beg a ride off of him. So here Uncle Matt is getting some pay-back.

Here we are with our cheering section. From left to right: Larry, Sandy, Matt, Unity, Dave, Anita. Then in front: Emily, Luke, Natalie, Alise.

Oh, yes, here we are waiting for the bus and waiting and waiting! It took us about as long to get home (5 miles) on the bus as it would have to drive from Minneapolis to Willmar. We tried to keep a smile on our face and the kids are in to identifying cars (they're really good at Toyota, Honda, Volts Wagon, Ford, and Chevy) so that kept them busy.
Posted by: Anita O.
1 comment:
Love the update! Looks like business and lots of fun!! :) Hope you're doing well! Love ya guys!
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